Well, we are in the midst of surviving our second family illness...the STOMACH BUG!!! It all started Tuesday night when Eric went to check on Eli before bed and discovered a nursery full of puke. It was everywhere, and we didn't hear a thing, poor guy. We assume it had only been about ten minutes prior because I had checked on him. So, we cleaned him up, set up the pack 'n play, and assumed he had had too much milk. Fast forward five minutes and we are repeating ourselves. After puking eleven times in an hour, we went to the hospital.
After two hours of waiting and no more puking, the nurse released us. Luckily Eli fell asleep on the way home, unluckily he awoke as soon as we walked in. Finally, at 3:30 am he was down for the night. So, I got about an hour and a half of sleep before having to go to work. After the show I was feeling sick, so I left early, came home and went to bed...where I stayed for the next 21 hours. Eric played with Eli who was feeling much better, and took care of me.
Now my poor hubby is sick. I was feeling better by noon today, and I have disinfected the entire house: rugs, sheets, door knobs, light switches, lamps, blinds, pillows, extra blankets, stuffed animals, computers, cell phones, refrigerator, remotes, towels...EVERYTHING!!
This bug is fast, furious and down right gross...please pray for a speedy recovery!!

And when I've had a particularly rough day, I always like to look back. Here is my boy a year ago...oh how time flies!!
Our household had this bug about a month ago, and I most defiantly agree that it is fast & furious! Hope you guys get well soon!