As I mentioned, I had to work Black Friday as well. This was slightly harder on me than working Thanksgiving because I LOVE to stay out all night and shop.
Sidebar: Since I was in middle school my sister, my mom and I, along with her sisters and my cousins ,could caravan to the stores after Thanksgiving. We would leave about 10:00 and hit up Garden Ridge, Meyers, and Wal-Mart. By the time we finished with those stores, the mall was open. We were done shopping and back home by 8:00...Good Times!!
Anyway, I missed that this year but was excited because I got to pick up my new van when I got off of work.
Saturday Eric cleaned out my old car while my mom and I took Eli shopping. He was such a good boy and loved his new ride!
Sunday we did a lot of visiting with family before we headed back to Bowling Green on Monday after a little bit of shopping. It was a delightful weekend, and so refreshing to spend some extended time with my family.
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