I absolutely hate good-byes. I can remember when my very best friend Sharese moved away when I was in kindergarten, my mom said I didn't have to say "good-bye." Instead, she told me to say, "Until next time."
Turns out, she was right. This year will mark 20 years of friendship for Sharese and I. Now, as an adult I heed my momma's advice more than ever. Nothing is constant but change it's itself, and part of that change is saying good-bye. Since my college graduation, I have seen my very best friends move all over the country. We're now in Texas, Illinois, Ohio, Tennessee, and Georgia. It may be part of life, but it never gets easier.
Today was one such occasion. I had my final lunch with Kristen before she moves to Georgia. Kristen and I actually don't see each much, but just knowing she's in town in a major comfort. She was one of the first people I met my freshman year, and we've been friends ever since.
Throughout the past seven years we've seen our share of WKU games...
She was my beach buddy...
She was there when we looked ahead to the future...
She stood by me the day I married my best friend.
And she was there the day I welcomed my son into the world.
It was been an honor doing life with you these past seven years. From Ms. Griffin's math class and the BSU formal, to football games and graduation, to weddings and babies, you have been one the best friends I have ever had. The memories we share have brought me joy, the secrets we have told have brought me laughter, and the God we've shared has brought us closer.
I pray your new direction will be an adventure filled with love, complete in joy, and blessed beyond measure. You are my southern sister, and I will forever praise God for our friendship.
Here's to a new day and lots of memories to make in the future. UNTIL NEXT TIME, I love you!
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