Well Ya'll, today I have been married three years. It has been the most exciting, life changing, exciting, stressful, exciting, wonderful and did I say exciting three years of my life.
When I stood at that alter three years ago today, I could never have imagined the journey the Lord would take us on. I was fresh out of college, deeply in love and ready to take on the world. I thought marriage was about romantic get-a-ways, giddy kisses, and lots of special moments.
What I've learned is that marriage is about sacrifice, saying "I'm sorry," and learning to depend on someone in life's darkest hours.
In the past three years we have had a baby, bought a house, bought a van and changed careers. In the past three years we have watched our families go through hell and back. We've stood together through sleepless nights, conquered depression and withstood three surgeries!
I told someone this the other day and his response, "All in three years? Goodness that's more than some couples make it through in a lifetime. I think yours will last."
AMEN!! God is our foundation..you better bet it will last! It's like the song,

So there's nothing left to fear
So I'll walk with you in the shadowlands
Till the shadows disappear
'Cause he promised not to leave us
And his promises are true
So in the face of all this chaos, baby,
I can dance with you

There have also been tender moments of love, experiences of great joy, and precious memories I wouldn't trade for the world. You see, God is navigating this journey we call marriage. He is leading us down each new road, through each new valley and atop each new mountain. So with HIM as the captain, we can go DANCING IN THE MINEFIELDS!!
We are praising him today for the best three years of our lives...
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