Saturday was an eventful day around the Watson home. We woke up and spent some time relaxing before getting started on a few chores. Well, we heard a knock on the door sometime mid-morning. It was our neighbor telling us that Louie (our dog) had killed their chicken!!
Luckily, her husband informed us that Louie had only been successful in pulling a few feathers out. Nonetheless, we went straight to town to rent an edger to put in the underground fence. Sadly, the man at the rental center informed us that it was too back home we went.
We did manage to get the wire laid out in the yard and watch the University Of Louisville game before heading down to Opryland in Nashville to see the lights.
Eric and I went several times in college with friends and family, but this was the first time we ventured into the chaos with Eli.
And I am so glad we did. He was mesmerized by the winter wonderland!
Sadly, it was way too crowded to really enjoy ourselves. I think next year we will go on a week night like we did in college.
Before heading to the outdoor lights we stopped for some Gelato and a cookie for Eli. I'm sure he thought we were the best parents ever letting him eat sweets before dinner...ha!
The lights outside the hotel were spectacular, but the Nativity Scene was my favorite. They actually had an audio recording telling the story of the birth of our Lord!

Although it was super cold outside, Eli didn't seem to mind. He was just in awe of the lights!

Once back inside we took a few more pictures before heading to eat dinner.
Luckily, her husband informed us that Louie had only been successful in pulling a few feathers out. Nonetheless, we went straight to town to rent an edger to put in the underground fence. Sadly, the man at the rental center informed us that it was too back home we went.
We did manage to get the wire laid out in the yard and watch the University Of Louisville game before heading down to Opryland in Nashville to see the lights.
Don't you just love Opryland Hotel! The lights are beautiful. You guys look like you had a blast!