Well, I hit the gym again this week. I was only away for three weeks and it feels more like 3 years to by body, oh well...time to get started!
I mentioned the other day that I am training for a Mini Marathon (13.1 miles) in October. So here are some of the things on my "not going to happen, but keep on dreaming" wish list!
I don't really want this poster because I think posters are tacky. I do however, LOVE the quote...totally going to memorize this one!!

Sadly, I don't have any music on my Iphone, so I want to have Eric add some tonight. This might be the only part of my wish list that happens!! If he does get frisky with helping me, maybe he will buy me an ipod case???
Of course when it warms up I'll be taking this new hobby outside, so this super cute Gymboss would be great!!
And since we are talking about pink, who wouldn't love this adorable ensemble to run in. Of course I would just like to look this good in ANY assemble...haha!
I mentioned the other day that I am training for a Mini Marathon (13.1 miles) in October. So here are some of the things on my "not going to happen, but keep on dreaming" wish list!

Sadly, I don't have any music on my Iphone, so I want to have Eric add some tonight. This might be the only part of my wish list that happens!! If he does get frisky with helping me, maybe he will buy me an ipod case???

Gotta run now...no pun intended ;)
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