On Saturday I ran my first ever 5K...I was and still am, so pumped! I have always wanted to do a race, but never actually made it happen. Maybe I'm on to something!! So, here are my thoughts on running so far.
1. It's coming to me faster and easier than I ever imagined. Really. I tripled my run time in less than three weeks.
2. I need new shoes. Asics are the best for me, but mine are worn out. I've been rotating them with a pair of Brooks, but the arch support isn't quite as good. I'm in the market for a new pair of Asics 1100 series, so let me know if you see anything good out there.
3. I hate running outside. Yes, I know all the "real" runners are snickering at me, but I don't care. Keeping up with pace, heart rate, and distance while also watching traffic signals and listening for cars is just too much! I want to get on a treadmill and just go.
4. Since I'm doing most of my running inside, I really enjoy watching TV. Currently I'm getting caught up on Grey's Anatomy...not so exciting!
5. Finally, running is therapeutic for me. Work has been quite literally...INSANE that past few weeks, and nothing is more soothing than clearing my head with a good and sweaty run.
My first goal is to improve my 5K time, and from there I'll be training for a 10K. I'll keep you posted. . .
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