We had a great weekend visiting my family in Lexington. Of course we left on Friday night and ate Subway in the van. Eric ended up in the back seat, so that our ginormous dog could sit in the front. Ha! Don't ya'll know we were a sight for sore eyes?!
It was so sad because my Papaw had no idea who anyone was. Alzheimer's is so cruel! The blessing in all of this is that my family knows laughter can cure any circumstance of it's pain. So that is how we survive.
If you ever have the chance to go hear her..do! It was beyond incredible. She is such a little spitfire and so spunky. A true Southern Belle...I loved it!!
Afterwards we ate dinner and just enjoyed some overdue girl time.

We slept in on Sunday and ate a big lunch with my family before heading back to our Super Bowl Party. The departure wasn't too bad because Eli was ready to see Owen.

It was a LONG ride back to southern Kentucky thanks to our co-pilot, Louie The Great White Pyrenees. Haha!
We unloaded Louie and went straight to the Adkins' house for the Big Game. They had the best food, and I ate until I was sick.

Luckily Eli and Owen played equally as much, so it was a pretty peaceful bedtime.
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