Yesterday was a big day for my sweet boy, not only did he turn three...he also celebrated pretty much all day long! When I got off work I ran to Wal Mart for cupcakes, and thought I was pretty smart for getting both Princess and Cars. You know, so the boy and the girls would all be happy.
Then I ran home to clean house before heading to daycare to celebrate with Eli. This is him waiting on a cupcake to eat. All my planning for gender specific cupcakes was in vain because the teachers took off the rings. Turns out they aren't safe...oops. Oh yeah, and the food coloring in the blue cupcakes stained hands, so they all had to switch to white with pink and purple sprinkles...ha!
The teacher assured me the kids would never notice, and they didn't! In fact, look how excited Eli was that everyone was singing Happy Birthday!
This picture isn't off center, the little girl just tried to jump in last minute...haha!
After the daycare celebration, Eli needed a hair cut. I think he would rank them up there with getting shots, so I felt horrible making him go on his big day. But with so many pictures and the party, there was no way I was going to let him look scraggly.Lucky for me, the lady at the hair shop brought out a laptop with Disney Sing Along playing, and the rest is history.
After the haircut I called my mom to see where they were, and they were almost to Smiths Grove, so we met them at McDonalds for an afternoon snack. Then we all headed back to the house. My mom helped entertain Eli while I worked on cleaning.
Once Eric got off work we went out to eat to celebrate...Eli picked Pizza Hut!
My mom took Eli back home after dinner so that Eric and I could go buy presents and get the stuff we needed for the party. Is it sad that we treated it like a mini date...haha?!
Anyway, we were supposed to wait on giving him the gifts, but in true Eric/Morgan fashion we couldn't stand it. In fact, as soon as we got home, we wrapped everything up and sneaked it into the family room for a surprise.
He was shocked when he came in to find a room full of toys. And he as so excited for the "real" batting helmet. We splurged a little on it since he'll be playing T-ball next year anyway. Plus, white was perfect for adding this WKU decal!
After opening all his gifts, the birthday boy had to play with them of course. It was precious watching him, and makes me look forward to this Christmas season!
Needless to say, we went to bed way too late. That's okay with me, I wanted to soak in every moment and memory of this boy's third birthday celebrations!
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