Ya'll know we are the Griswolds when it comes to Christmas...really! We have so many things we try to pack into a few shorts weeks, and we wouldn't have it any other way!
One of our favorite things to do as a family is Cave Sing. It takes place at Mammoth Cave National Park. They have a brass band, a choir, and even a tree for guests to enjoy.
So we headed that way after church this afternoon.
As always the Adkins family joined us! Last year when I wrote about Cave Sing I mentioned the incredible things God would do for our families in the upcoming year...and he has! Parker joined the family in October, so we have loved him tagging along this year!
It won't be long before he is running around with these two. Poor Ellie will have to be tough with so many boys in the mix!
Once inside the cave we stopped for the brass band to play. Eli recognized the tunes and started singing his little heart out. I'm not sure he was supposed to do that, but it was so cute I couldn't stop him!
Love this boy!
Someone Eric ended up with both Eli and Owen where just on cloud nine. Boys love caves, momma loves music. It's a great family affair!
We headed down to hear the choir where the boys did much better than in years past. Next year Parker and Ellie will be in the mix, and between four kids we may not be so lucky enjoy as much of the performance.
As usual we jetted a little bit early and took some family pictures.
Me and my boy in front on the tree.
Our last year as a family of three!
Next began the hike up to the visitor's center where we met Santa Clause and ate cookies. We didn't linger too long because the boys were ready to play, so the Adkins came over for dinner. They just left, and I'm sitting here thankful for these memories and their wonderful friendship!
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