For example, I've gone a little overboard planning and preparing for my maternity leave. The poor fill-in host is probably ready to hyperventilate at the sight of my "notebook" full of Type A information...basically overkill!
I have also packed Ellie's bag for the hospital. Yay! The inside looks like pink through up, and there are enough bows to clothe the chorus line of My Fair Lady, but hey, I'm excited!
I've been writing up a storm...thank you letters! We are so blessed to have a so many wonderful people blessing our sweet girl with gifts.
I'm in the process of getting stuff together for taxes. BLAH!!! It's just one of those things we have to get done before our sweet bundle arrives!
Other than that, I'm trying to stay caught up on housework and get in lots of snuggles with my sweet boy.
The rest of my week looks to include one more deep clean, packing my hospital bag, wrapping big brother gifts, and resting...since it might be a long time before I get another chance.
Oh, I do have a cool story for you. My cousin George and I were born just hours apart. We managed to have separate birthdays because I was born just after midnight, but we've grown up doing everything at the same time like going to school and getting driver's licenses. Anyway, his wife is due a few days before me so we've joked that our babies will probably be born the same day...and guess what?? She is being induced on Monday. Guess Ellie and Gunner will share a birthday!! Ha!
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