Ya'll. I love party planning...I'm just not so good at party executing. Let's face it, I have champagne taste and a beer budget. Ha! I'm not sure if pinterest is helping or hurting. Either way, it has certainly given me a lot of ideas as I start planning my sister's wedding shower!
That's right, Amy is walking down the isle in August, so I've been busy getting things together for a June shower. Here are some of my favorite finds:
That's right, Amy is walking down the isle in August, so I've been busy getting things together for a June shower. Here are some of my favorite finds:
If I had all the money in the world, I would totally order these little cakes. The thing is, I'm on a budget...a tight budget...so I'm thinking something a little more traditional like a cake or some cupcakes would be a better fit.
I found this example of cupcakes, which I love! However, with close to 60 guests and virtually NO artistic abilities, I just don't think this is possible. The good new is, I have a some talented friends and a contingency plan!
Let's move on to tablescapes, shall we? I love this idea, it's bright and fun and just perfect. However, you'll notice two things. First, there are nothing but sweets on this table. I don't know about you, but the last thing I want to do is send my guests into a sugar coma. The second thing is this: it's impractical. There about 30 lbs of candy in each apothecary and not enough substantial food for a shower of ten much less 60. It's just not money well spent.
This table doesn't have much food, but it does have super cute decor made from tissue paper. With so little money going into the decorations, I'll be able to splurge on food...real food! You know, the kind that won't lead to future diabetes.
I'm not quite done planning, but I hope to land somewhere between magical and practical for this shower.
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