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Motivation Monday

I've discovered something about myself - I'm an all or nothing kinda gal.  Meaning, I'm not going to go to the gym for a workout if I only have time to run.  If I can't run, lift weight, and do abs, I'm out.  If I don't go to the gym, I'm gonna throw in the towel on healthy eating.  It's a vicious cycle I tell you!

That being said, I wanted to be very cautious when setting my goals for this weight loss journey.  I have one ultimate goal, followed by three smaller ones.

The Big Picture:  I would like to lose 40 lbs over the next eight months.  To be more precise, I would like to lose 40 lbs by Ellie's birthday.  That's a manageable 5 lbs per month.  I know March 4th seems like such a weird deadline, but it's so important to me.  I can remember Eli's first birthday and the feeling of dread when the cameras came out.  I remember wondering how on Earth I had let myself get to that point.  I can remember the self conscientiousness I felt and still do.  I don't want to go down that road again, and guess what?  I'm the only one who can do a thing about it. I know 40lbs isn't a magic number and losing weight won't be a "fix all," so I'm sorta flexible.  More important than losing weight is becoming healthy and developing habits that reflect that lifestyle. I'm a mom-a working one at that-so I may not make it the gym every day, and that's ok.  What's important is the overall choices I am making.  Sometimes I'll eat cake, and that's ok too!  You get where this is going.

Phase One (July - September) I want to make a habit of exercising, and my body tends to respond best to jogging.  So I want to make a point to get to the gym every possible day.  I'm not concerned about lifting weights, doing abs, or even my running distance.  Instead, I want to establish a strong and healthy routine that will become a habit.

Phase Two: (October - December) I plan to continue running and only running.  However, I would like to take this habit from inside the gym into the great outdoors.  Anyone who runs will tell you that it's harder to do so outside.  I would like to challenge myself by training for a 5k.  I know it's not much, but I'm taking baby steps here.

Phase Three (January - February) First of all, it will do my heart a world of good to NOT start this program as a new year's resolution.  There's nothing wrong with that, I've just failed so many times that it will feel amazing to have new goals at the beginning of the year.  That being said, I would love to use these months to launch a total body workout.  I would love to build on my habit of regular exercise and running program by incorporating weight training and ab workouts.  I'm not sure what this will look like just yet, but I'll let you know when I get closer.

Ok, there are the goals...let's do this!!!


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