So yesterday I did the most boring post in the history of blogging. Let's face it, I have been a slacker all month long. I was thinking about writing several highlight posts, but my life just isn't that exciting, so I thought I would compress it all into one review post with lots of pictures. Sound good?
Ellie is walking up a storm these days, so my afternoons are spent making sure she doesn't eat off the floor, fall off the furniture, play in the toilet or hijack the electronics...all of which have happened at least once.
Eli's obsession with Monster Trucks seems to have manifested this month. He got several for sleeping better, and used Christmas and Valentine's money to buy more. Lovely. I'm fairly certain that it is not safe to have so many small toys on the floor, however, it is great entertainment to watch my husband stumble on them...I joke.
I've spent some time raising this girl up as a good and proper southern belle. She may be a bit of a tomboy, but she understands the importance of a nice bow and college football. Speaking of football, Eric's family came in for a visit the first weekend in February but had to leave early do to snow. We stayed home to watch the Superbowl before I headed to a hotel for the night since I couldn't miss work. Yeah, we got rain...stupid Bowling Green bubble.
Our Fridays have mainly been spent playing with the kids and enjoying family movie night. Saturdays are low key and pretty much involve a single outing to the grocery store with the whole family in tow. Once the babies are in bed, Eric and I attempt to watch a movie but we usually fall asleep...we live life on the edge!!
Of course we always go to church on Sundays before having lunch at home, napping, playing with the kids, doing a few loads of laundry and preparing for the week. It's nice to have to the day to relax.
We did have a few highlights this month. Eli signed up for t-ball, and the kids got to "camp" in the family room! That pretty much sums it up. HA!
I promise to do better in March. I should be a bit more successful since we'll thaw out and get outside a bit!
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