Eric's mom called me on Saturday to ask about watching the kids for a few days. They were actually just there last weekend while I worked and Eric fought off the cold of the century, but we decided to go ahead and send them back so that we could get a few things done around the house.
We met for lunch in Owensboro on Sunday, and my in-laws took the kids back with them. Funny story, we stopped for gas on the way home and went in to get a candy bar and water. Yeah, it was $17...and Eric paid for it by accident. Ugh!
Anyway, once we made it home I took a short dip in the pool before we got started knocking out chores. Eric cleaned the van while I worked on organizing my closet. About 9:30 we quit working and were too tired to cook, so we ate at White guilty pleasure.
Monday we continued our projects - Eric did some more detailing on the car, and I knocked out Eli's closet. Yesterday I changed the sheets. cleaned the house and did a few loads of laundry while Eric mowed the yard. Once again we were too tired to cook, so we went out for Mexican.
While I miss my babies a ton, it was so nice to go out to eat, finish a few projects, stay up late, and spend some time with my honey. We watched movies, relaxed, and had uninterrupted conversations!
That all comes to an end tonight when Eli and Ellie get home, and I can't wait for a house pull chaos because I know that come October we'll have another little get-a-way...just the two of us.
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