Our "Day of Love" started out with a basketball game...hot! It was the late game, which was divine. Afterwards we ran to Wal-Mart to return something and pick up Ellie a V-Day gift. Then it was lunch at Chuy's. Momma's favorite.
We had driven separately into town so that I could make a grocery run, so after hitting up Sam's for trash bags and spending way too much money, me and Ellie made a Kroger trip. It was insanely busy because the forecast was released and apparently a foot of snow makes the crazies come out. Ha!
Back at home, Eric couldn't wait another second to give Eli his gift, so as soon as I walked through the door he wanted to do presents. Ellie got an Elsa doll ,and Eli got a BB Gun. Nothing says, "I Love You," quite like a firearm. Ha! Only in the South, ya'll.
We were going to make a special dinner for the kids and eat by candlelight like we usually do, but we were still full from lunch. Instead we played with the kiddos and watched a movie on the couch after everyone was in bed. I wouldn't have it any other way.
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