I enjoy random posts on Wednesdays just to document the little moments, so feel free to skip this. These posts are intended for my memory.
Last Thursday I took this picture on my way to work. No filter on the camera. It was such a sweet reminder that HIS mercies are new every morning.
This weekend his Halloween, which means that Christmas will be here before we know it. I always buy the kids PJs to wear, but I kinda want these for myself. Is $16 too much?
Lest I wish my life away, I should stay in the moment. Friday was the Halloween celebration in the after school program, so Eli went as Robin. He was so proud, ya'll!
Last but not least, this picture stopped me dead in my tracks. It was a freeze-frame from The Price is Right, and the thumbnail image was on a news site I was reading. This could be my sister. It looks JUST LIKE HER! Even my kids thought so.
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