After running around all afternoon with the birthday girl, we stopped but the house to pick up a change of clothes before heading to the "March Madness" Fundraiser at Eli's school. Basically, each grade level plays a 20 minute game against students from other classes.
It was our first time to participate since it got snowed out last year, and it was a ton of fun. Eli thought he was tough stuff playing with all of his friends. I keep looking at these pictures of all of these boys and thinking that this will be in the senior section of the yearbook one day. That sorta makes me wanna cry my eyes out.
I honestly can't remember whether or not Eli's team won because I was injuring watching him in his element with all his buddies. He's growing up so fast, ya'll. I found myself praying so many times that the Lord would surround him with good, strong friendships as we navigate these school years. I pray not only for the friends, but for their families. I yearn for the Lord to use Godly men and women to help influence him in the moments that I'm not around- teachers, coaches, friends. I feel so confident that it was for this very reason that we were brought us to this wonderful community.
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