I am trying really hard to get back into the swing of blogging, but it's not for the faint of heart...or undisciplined. I know a lot of these posts are boring, but it's so important to me to preserve our memories. So here is, yet another, attempt at reestablishing this habit.
I haven't really talked about this, but lately I have been getting in the habit of walking in the mornings with a couple of moms from baseball and school. While the alarm blaring before 5:00 am is a little too reminiscent of my days in television, the pre-dawn conversations are wonderful and the physical activity is great! Here's a picture of our backyard that I captured one morning. I sure will miss this view when we move. It's hard to believe that this time next year I will be on top of those hills looking down instead of on the bottom looking up. I can't wait!
In other news this week, baseball is still in full swing. We were supposed to play our first tournament this weekend, but it didn't pull enough teams, so we will get a few more practices in and come out strong next weekend. Eric has been trying to practice one day a week with the boys and one afternoon/evening during the weekend. It was actually out of necessity to have more players available when they're free from other sports, but it's turned out to be a great setup because it gives us more nights at home. I didn't realize how much I was missing them.
Today was "Hats off to High Attendance Day" at school, and I just had to share this picture because it perfectly captures the personalities of my kids. My sports lovin' boy is sporting his baseball attire. He's also fully dressed with shoes on, hair styled, and a clean mouth.
Then there's little miss priss-pot who is carrying her shoes because she was running behind, wearing a hat bigger than her entire body and sporting a chocolate smothered smile. Worry not, we got her put together in the car. She's just a free spirit, what can I say?
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