Last week was interesting around these parts. Eli woke up with a sore throat on Monday and tested positive for strep. The whole process of going to the doctor, getting medicine, and running by the store for "essentials" took most of the morning, and to top it off, I left my debit card at home and had to run by Eric's work to bum his. The timing ended up working out great, and he was able to take a half day while I went into work to finish a pretty important project.
My wonderful in-laws offered to keep Eli since we would be joining them on Wednesday for the holidays, so Eric met them half way. I hated shipping off my sickie, but he was thrilled to miss school and had the best doctors around.
My wonderful in-laws offered to keep Eli since we would be joining them on Wednesday for the holidays, so Eric met them half way. I hated shipping off my sickie, but he was thrilled to miss school and had the best doctors around.
We have a little tradition that the kids come to work with me on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. The office is super slow and it's a win-win for me because I make them stuff envelopes for Christmas cards. And I pay them with Little Caesar's pizza, so it's cheap labor.
Since Eli was sick, this was Ellie's first year getting to help me all by herself! She's my easy-going kid and you never really know she's here. She stuffed envelopes, practiced reading, begged for a Sprite and convinced Eric to take us out for lunch. In the spirit of our day, we also listened to Dolly Parton's song Nine to Five. Dolly is a little over the top, so I think Ellie can identify with her a bit. Ha!
The highlight for her was getting to have "working girl" coffee. A few weekends ago I found a smaller version of the Chip mug that I have at home. It was only $5 and she was sooo proud to bring it to work. I made her some decaf coffee and we had Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Creamer left over in the fridge. I loaded her up and topped it off with whipped cream and sprinkles. Bless her, she's still talking about her "pumpkin spice latte."
As a little kickoff to the holidays, my office closed a early, so she and I headed home to pack and get ready for the weekend. I enjoyed our time, but I was more than ready to see my boy!
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