One of the first things we did when the travel ban was lifted was to go hiking! We often use the trails near our home at Mammoth Cave National Park. It's such a blessing to have a national park in our backyard, but we were ready to bust of of this joint and decided that we needed a change of scenery.
We felt so much freedom driving to the trail and also kinda like outlaws because it's been so long since we've been out in "public". It was a perfectly sunny day with low humidity and fantastic temperatures for early summer. It was also super easy to social distance in the great outdoors!
We decided on a whim to go, so we packed our masks, stuffed our bags with lots of snacks and made a short stop for BBQ at a little makeshift drive-thru.
It had been years since we'd hiked the trail. In fact, I was pregnant with Eli the last time we were there. We also went during the winter months, so it was like a whole new world getting to experience it in the summer and with kids.
It's funny how a pandemic makes you slow down. We've talked about going back for 10 years, but we've never slowed down long enough to do it. I'm so glad we finally did! It was such an amazing time as a family.
After the hike to the large waterfall, we went back to the more shallow area and spent more than an hour letting the kids swim, and splash and play! It was so much fun and I really think we will be visiting again in the near future.
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